
Coding Standards

We follow our JavaScript Styleguide for our JavaScript coding standards. It’s a modification of the AirBnB JavaScript Styleguide.


Much like our CSS approach, we split every piece of JavaScript functionality into separate modules.

  • The file should be named with camelCase.
  • Add a method called noConflict() that sets the exported module to the previous version and returns this one.
  • Always declare 'use strict'; at the top of the module.
  • Pass in global vars like jQuery in as parameters.
  • Return a public API that gives access to necessary vars and functions

    // modules/myModule.js
    (function($) {
      'use strict';
      //Some Private variables
      var myThing = false,
          toggled = true;
      //Bind some jquery
      $(document).on('ready', onReady);
      //Some private function
      function onReady(){
        //Do the stuff
      function toggleIt(){
        toggled = !toggled;
      //Use a function to return the value of a private variable
      function isToggled() {
        return toggled;
      //Return a public API that
      return {
        toggleIt: toggleIt,
        isToggled: isToggled

Tools, Libraries, and Plugins

To avoid having 3rd party JS accidentally modified, Vendor JS should be in an isolated directory from the app source directory. Great examples of directory names for this:

  • /vendor
  • /includes
  • or /bower_components

3rd party JS that needs to be modified should idealy be forked on github/bitbucket.


For Angular, we use John Papa’s Angular Style Guide as our coding reference.