
A collection of JS/CSS libraries we often use



Greensock is a powerful js library for HTML5 animations. The possibilities are basically endless and offers the best performance when it comes to animations on the web.

var tl = new TimelineMax({ repeat: 6, repeatDelay: 1, yoyo: true });
tl.staggerTo('h2', 0.2, { className: '+=superShadow', top: '-=10px', ease: Power1.easeIn }, '0.3', 'start');


Scrollmagic allows you to do a number of interactions based on the scroll position of a webpage. You can animate, pin, toggle classes, add a parallax effect, do an infinite scroll and do callbacks. It can also be combined with Greensock for even more awesomeness.

var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: '#trigger1', duration: 300 })
  .addIndicators({ name: '1 (duration: 300)' }) // add indicators (requires plugin)


Swiper is a fuly fledged slider that has a ton of options, is mobile friendly and has accessibility options. You can see the api here. This is our preferred slider.

var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
  //options go here

If you need something a bit more simpler and lighter, Owl Carousel is a jQuery based replacement for Swiper.



Lity is a responsive lightbox plugin which supports images, iframes and inline content.

  • Pro: It’s great for accessibility and use with a keyboard
  • Con: It doesn’t offer galleries, only single image/video

Other Option: Fresco

Fresco.js is an image and video responsive lightbox. It supports single image popups, image gallery popups, overflow image popups and a video popup. You need a pro license to use every feature so be sure to check Keypunch for login information. Its strength is how easy it is to implement a video lightbox for youtube and vimeo.

<a href="" class="fresco">Youtube</a> - Pro: It does offer gallery options - Con: Not as great for accessibility

Other Option: Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is a responsive jQuery lightbox that can do single image, image gallery, zomm gallery, video popup with youtube/vimeo and a map popup. It can also do a modal poup with basic content or a form.

  type: 'image'
  // other options


Fresco.js is an image and video responsive lightbox. It supports single image popups, image gallery popups, overflow image popups and a video popup. You need a pro license to use every feature so be sure to check Keypunch for login information. Its strength is how easy it is to implement a video lightbox for youtube and vimeo.

<a href="" class="fresco">Youtube</a>

Media Query


Harvey allows you to call functions based on media queries similar to the ones in CSS. Don’t mind the last update timestamp on their github page, it is still working properly. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Harvey.attach('screen and (min-width:600px) and (max-width:900px)', {
  setup: setup_function, // called when the query becomes valid for the first time
  on: on_function, // called each time the query is activated
  off: off_function // called each time the query is deactivated



moment.js is a tried & true solution for handling date parsing, formatting, and manipulation, allowing you to avoid the countless weird edge cases and missing features in JS’s built-in Date object.

var date = moment('12-25-1995', 'MM-DD-YYYY');
date.add(2, 'days');
date.format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY'); // => 'Wednesday, December 27th 1995'


accounting.js provides parsing & formatting for numerical & financial data. If you need to transform 12345.6789 into '$12,345.68', accounting.js is your solution.

accounting.formatMoney(12345.6789, '$', 2); // => '$12,345.68'



Lodash provides an assortment of utility functions for manipulating arrays, objects, strings, and functions. You’ll rarely need every single function in here in a single project, but Lodash can be invaluable for common tasks like array sorting, mapping & filtering object properties, string case transformations, and event throttling/debouncing.


whatwg-fetch is a (mostly) spec-compliant polyfill for fetch on older browsers. Please use this instead of jQuery.ajax or libraries like axios!


For some institutional projects, we still need to implement iFrames with responsive layouts. Responsive iFRAMEs can be a solution for this problem.


Our recommended approach for tables within wysiwyg is demonstrated Here.

Other Option: ListJS for more advanced needs

ListJS is a library for adding responsive tables to HTML, often for a CMS.

  • Pro: You can put responsive tables into a CMS RichText Editor, or plain HTML lists, tables, or anything.
  • Pro: Comes with search, filter, and sort features
  • Con: Not as many styling options